Dr. Darren Wirtz of Adult Medicine Specialists of Las Vegas, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, is committed to offering his patients the latest, in all-natural treatments, such as the K-Laser Therapy system. Dr. Wirtz has used the advanced K-Laser Therapy treat patients with a wide assortment of musculoskeletal pain.

K-Laser Therapy Q & A

What is K-Laser Therapy?
K-Laser Therapy is a revolutionary treatment for nerve, joint and soft tissue pain that is 100% natural, non-invasive and completely safe. Effective in treating musculoskeletal pain, from sciatica to tennis elbow, the K-Laser was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2005 and used in Europe since the 1970s. Its ground-breaking technology relieves pain and promotes healing without the risks and side effects of drugs or surgery. Instead, the K-Laser system utilizes multiple pain-free wavelengths of near-infrared and infrared light to alleviate pain and promote healing.

How Does K-Laser Therapy Promote Healing?
The Lasers’ multiple different light wavelengths penetrate over 4 inches into the deep musculoskeletal tissue, where they reduce inflammation, improve circulation and stimulate tissue regeneration at the cellular level

What Ailments Can K-Laser Therapy be Used to Treat?
A safe and effective alternative to drugs or the scalpel, K-Laser Therapy has been a game-changer in healing a long list of common musculoskeletal issues. Some of the most common are:

  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Muscle strains and tears
  • Degenerative joint conditions, such as arthritis
  • Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation

What Does the Procedure Entail?

This is a non-invasive office treatment. Patients wear protective eye glasses during their session, which takes just three to nine minutes. Time varies based on the size of the area being treated. Patients do not experience any pain during treatment but may feel tired afterward.

How many sessions are needed?
Often patients experience a significant reduction in pain after the initial visit. Others may need up to three visits to enjoy benefits. In any event, effects are cumulative. The exact number of sessions required for optimal benefit differs between patients. In general, though, acute conditions usually require six or fewer sessions, while chronic conditions can take 15 or more treatments.