At Adult Medicine Specialists of Las Vegas, Dr. Darren Wirtz is an Osteopathic physician who specializes in providing pain management options to his patients. The facility serves Nevada residents who live in and around the Las Vegas area.

Pain Management Q & A

What is Included in a Pain Management Treatment Plan?
A pain management plan includes effective treatment options that are best suited to the patient’s individual needs. Anti-inflammatory medications, over the counter pain relievers, physical therapy, and osteopathic manipulation can help to effectively relieve pain allowing a person to get back on the road to recovery. Chronic pain associated with health conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome can be debilitating. Learning how to manage the pain effectively will not only help the person regain their quality of life, it will also improve their mental and emotional well-being. Osteopathic physicians specialize in alternative treatments for both acute and chronic pain. This is inclusive of OMT, laser pain therapy, joint injections, and advice on conservative therapies.

Can Physical Therapy Help to Manage Pain?
Physical therapy is an effective way to help manage pain and provide the patient with a way to regain their strength while improving their overall outlook and general health. The exercise plan that is formulated by the physical therapist consists of the movements that are necessary to help strengthen the damaged area of the body and allows the patient to also regain their range of motion and flexibility. Most physical therapy exercises can be performed at home giving the patient additional incentive to continue working towards re-establishing their health. As the physical therapy continues, the healing becomes more complete and the pain gradually diminishes.

Is Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment Effective for Pain Relief?
Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment involves moving or shifting the soft tissues of the body in an attempt to uncover possible causes of illnesses and disease. During an osteopathic manipulation treatment, the doctor will be able to determine what is causing a person’s pain and what possible treatment methods will work best at remedying the situation. An osteopath has a working knowledge of the body and all of its systems, allowing them to accurately assess and evaluate a patient’s physical condition based on the flexibility and movement of the muscles and joints of the body. They can detect structural abnormalities and uncover injuries and potential health problems that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.